Testing in Sandbox

Once you accept your Dex invitation, you have access to your organization in both the Live and Sandbox environments in Dex. Your access to resources in the Live environment are constricted by your assigned role; however, in the Sandbox environment, you have full Admin permissions. Users invited to Partner organizations receive ISV - Support permissions. Corporate users receive Base_Forte permissions in Sandbox.

Dex makes switching between Live and Sandbox quick and easy, so you can efficiently test Dex without having to log out and log back into the different environments. To switch environments in Dex, access the user icon in the upper right corner of Dex and select Switch to Sandbox. The Sandbox environment displays with a banner at the top of the Dex window and the Dex menu options display in white.

If you'd like to load demo data into your Dex Sandbox organization, see Loading Demo Data. This data includes sample user, customer, schedule, funding, dispute, and transaction data that you can use for testing.